Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

LEUSER MOUNT (3381 masl)

Leuseur Mountain National Park (TNGL) is one of the reserved forest in the park to be set as the guard and the national existence.This National park preserve is located in the Province of NAD Darussalam (Aceh district southeast, south Aceh, Aceh middle, east Aceh and Aceh Singkil) and propnsi northern Sumatra (Langkat and karo) with an area of 80,000 hectares. Aceh area occupied three-quarters of the park. Specifically Leuser mountain area consisting of game reserve (BC) Kluit 20 000 hectares, Leuser mountain 416. 500 hectares of BC, BC Kappi Langkat 142 800 hectares south of 82 985 hectares of BC, BC Sikundur 60 000 hectares, Recreation Park 9200 hectares Lawe Gura, Sikundur tourism park 18 500 hectares, and protection forest and limited production forest area of 292 707 hectares. In the next development in forested areas is a priority conservation and protection to about 1.79 million hectares, which was known by the Leuser ecosystem area (forestry ministerial decree no.227/kpts-II/1995) located at 3-4 and 97-98 LU ` + BT, which covers 100 km along the Bukit Barisan mountain range and stretches denan 0-3455 altitude above sea level. Thus the Leuser National Park is the largest national parks across Indonesia.
This park was built in order to preserve and restore natural resources and the ecosytem. TNGL is one of the continent's diverse and have potential in NAD Darussalam. He is known as the lungs of the world because it is a tropical rain forest (tropical rain forest) contains a micro climate that serves as a useful stabilizing the climate is very large for human life. Leuser ecosystem area has a representative form of forest ecosystem types of volcanic mountains and rocks, limestone, plutons, alluvium, and other rocks, and lowland, wet and humid with the state land that is dominated by podzolic, podzolic brown, and lithosol. Besides the Leuser Ecosystem has a complete distribution of forest vegetation, forest vegetation noble from the beach / marsh, lowland forest, upland forest and mountains. Even in 3500 there were estimated flora, among others: the mangrove forest fires (Avicenna sp), Casuarina trees (casuarinas sp), camphor (Drybaloncops aromatics), Palm, rattan (Calamus) pandan (pandanus sp), some of the flora that grows above the altitude of 500 masl like Dipterocarcease type (eg: meranti, kruing, Shorea), and the lime tree (Dryobalanops aromatics). There are also a variety of fauna: 380 species of birds and 190 mammals / primates. This means that 1 / 32 of all species in the world or ¼ mammal in Indonesia located in the Leuser area. Still there are also several species of Carnivores, Herbivore, Reptiles, Amphibious, Piasces, and Iverteberata like Orang Utan (Pongo pygmus abelli), Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), Sumatran Tiger (Phantera Tigris sumatrensis), tiger Dahan (Neo felis nebulosa), Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatrensis), Malayan bear (Hlerctosmalayanus), Crocodile (Crocodilus porosus), wild dog (Cuon alpinus), Wild Pigs (Arctonyx Collaris), giant horned deer(tragulus Napu), Deer (Muntiacus muntjak), colored deer (Cervus unicolor), gray-tailed Macaques (Tracypithecus cristatus). There is also around 87 species classified as rare, so protected, such as sraendung (Hylobates dollars), Rungka (Presbytis Thomasi), Linsang (Priondon Linsong), Tiger root (termincki felis), Rhinoceros Hornbill (Rhyteceros sp), Birds of a horse (Garullaxrufifrons) , golden cat (catupuma termincki), Leopard (Prionailurus bengalensis). There are even some fauna in this TNGL potentially be made in the Plasma Nuthfa like a wild duck (cairina sp), Sumatran Goat (Capricornus sumatrensis), the otter (Lutra sp), red-tailed flying squirrel (petaurista), and a honey bear (helaroctus malayanus ).
Climatic conditions in this region in the review of Schmidt and climate maps freguson including climate tempratur type A with a minimum of 21.1 to 27.5 ', the average rainfall 1300-4600 mm per year during the dry season rainfall is less than 100 mm per month 80-100% with relative humidity. On review from the aspect of hydrology, rivers that empty lot on the west coast of Sumatran: Alas river Kluet, Trupa, Seunangan, and Meurebo. While the estuary on the east coast is a river Wampu, Tamiang and Jambo Aye. All these rivers disgorge all over the ridge area of the Leuser National Park.
Leuser ecosystem area is also in the agricultural area which covers the circumference of the sixty districts with a population of approximately two million people with various ethnic groups such as Aceh, Gayo, Alas, Tamiang, Jame, Karo, Melayu Batak, and Javanese. So there will be a close ecological dependence between the Leuser Ecosystem area with the surrounding ecosystem. In addition to rich flora and fauna, Leuser Mountain National Park is also rich in beautiful natural panorama, so the object can be made in ecotourism activities such as outdoor adventure (jungle tracking), Rafting, the search caves, observation of flora and fauna (observation, Bird watching) or just recreation.
Leuser mountain is terminological meaning "Place of living things that ended his life." The name is horrible enough in taking language dar Netherlands. This mountain has long been a dream of mountaineers. Variation field and the length of the track requires a climber has abilities and skills that are more than enough to be able to stampede of feet in height.

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