Mountain Climbing

Mountaineer ...... Wooo! an activity that often sounded extreme at the ear of those who have never tried to do the activities we tesebut.sering time thinking about the danger that we will likely face even though it is not we face danger from the start .... or until lightly with the danger of death, or often think if we ascend the mountain that is the only activity carried out by people who trained or special education must follow the first to new activity can do ..... when these activities can be done by anyone even if it has no knowledge about the activity but with the requirement should be led by people who have the knowledge and experience with enough activity and if you want to know more then we are again in charge to have the knowledge about the activity that is with the courses or education about climbing mountains and living in the outdoors that is held by groups or organizations that are engaged in the specific field.
Mountaineer ..... more danger than benefit .... that often arise in our mind and often in approved by those who have not been doing these activities ..... friends ..... try to think our problems are often a danger that we face everyday in our lives, we try to remember how the speed of vehicles that we take when we go places to activity ... how many times we go through link train, how often we break through the traffic lights clear -clearly dangerous ourselves and others, how many times we go through the towers high power voltage, or can we know if we meaning the circumstances that endanger the safety of our day ..... this fella, no matter the danger we will never know when and where we are to face ... there is always a danger everywhere, but how we live and at risk avoid itself ..... so what with us this event, how can we avoid or minimize the danger of these .... How ....? follow the main rules that apply because that is the key ..... all activity surely there any rules and procedures that must be obeyed to avoid things that do not want an example in safety belt use when kitat drive or use the four-wheeler and helmet use standard mengedarai when a motorcycle ... if not we will surely face the risk in a vehicle or at least the risks we face in tilang karna violate our laws and procedures that apply ...... so also climb mountains have safety procedures that must be obeyed and observed , I may even be at risk are due to fatal .....
So what's we climbing mountains ......??? certainly a lot of use ... of the sports and health, mountain climbing requires extra strength is because it strength physical fitness and body are set in this event ... so we would not need to maintain health and stamina to stay in shape and affect our everyday life in the day we figured haruskan on healthy living and regular .....
views of the establishment of mental dam characters climb the mountain and need a mental character as a strong and mentally very strong character needed to face possibility danger threatening the safety of self and soul ..... in the establishment of solidarity and fellow sesamapun here emphasize because of the very this activity is mostly done together rather than individual .... viewed from the side wisatapun mountain climbing adventure tourism experiences that are very stunning natural scenery with the incredible yag will never be in dikota tour or the other.
Many things that we can can climb the mountain's activities if this is in very described items require more time to menjabarkannya ......
a lot of people have experienced and feel the experience of climbing the mountain tremendous ..... many stories of mountain climbing experience that has been written as history or as an adventure story ... stories of conquest a mountain adventure, story of heroism in operations rescue stories to confuse the feelings and birukan Romance romance. do not think things are negative but the first berfikirlah that this positive activity, even though we really should not be mengkesampingkan things ... but negative for us to follow the rules and procedures that apply sefety climb the mountain is not a frightening thing ... . and always remember, life and death matters of the LORD is how we live our lives to keep the only one with this good and true, because life is not just born, grow and die, but there are things that should be useful to do to fill our lives that own life that is more colorful and meaningful life ......" End karna not we climb the mountain but the mountain climb, we can recognize and learn to be life itself ....."
good try .....!!!!!!
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