Increasing the temperature of the Earth in the last decade has been very aesthetically impact. In Indonesia, El Nino can affect food production, water supplies for power generation, households and livestock, as well as the availability of water for industrial and household purposes. Experience 1997/1998 El Nino air temperature record of Earth's hottest, aggravate forest fires and damage coral reefs.
Forecast Meteorological Office, UK temperature by 2010 will probably exceed the record year 1998. Year 1998 to be warmest year on record after three decades of warming the Earth, in the beginning of the year 1970, for three decades, the average global temperature rose 0.45 degrees Celsius (kompass, 29 / 1).
NASA recorded a trend increase in temperature of 0.2 degrees Celsius in the last 30 years per decade. Average global temperatures have gone up 0.8 degrees Celsius since 1980. Policy makers who attended the Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen, last December, agreeing on a single target to prevent the increase of average global temperature to two degrees Celsius in an effort to avoid global warming effects of the worst (compass, 24 / 2).
The farmers in Aceh today to complain because they are no longer able to estimate the growing season. Rain, floods, drought can no longer in the prediction, climatological stations and Geophysics even acknowledges the existence of climate confusionss determination that culminate in the planting season. The cause of Global Warming.
Indonesia and Brazil and the United States is considered one of the countries producing greenhouse gases (GHG), the largest. Nonetheless, Indonesia has said it will reduce the brave 26% of the state if it does not do anything (bussiness as usual) in 2020. Even dare to reduce GHG emissions by 41% if there is assistance from developed countries.
Compare with the United States who just want to reduce emissions in the gas glasshouse rotatin 4%. State Government superpower that until now had never planned to sign the Kyoto Protocol, which is considered hinder developing giant industries, a large contributor to GHG emissions.
Aceh aggressively pursue jargon of REDD + Governor Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) Irwandi Yusuf together several countries in the world, Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Mato Groso, Pre (Brazil), California, Illinois, (United States), as well as NAD, East Kalimantan, and Papua (Indonesia) stated that they seek to apply the rules of debate. For Aceh, at least two regions are in trying to do, namely the Leuser Ecosystem area (1.9 million hectares) and Ulu Masen Strategic area (750 000 hectares).
Irwandi said it was cooperating with Merril Lynch, a financial services company based in Australia, to address this carbon. In the agreement the two parties, at a price agreed today is 4 cents U.S. $ per ton of carbon. However, if market prices increase from the agreement, the difference will be in for two between the government and financial services company.
Head of the Secretariat of Aceh Green M. Jacob Ishadamy says still in need a few more stages before it can be determined how the amount of existing carbon stocks in forests of Aceh, especially for Ulu Masen, the government will, using multiple methods in use.
Strategic Regions Ulu Masen which managed by the Flora and Fauna International has obtained an audit of The Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance in February 2008. Jacob admit, Ulu Masen area just awarded the Silver because it is still a problem with illegal logging.
Carbon Calculation
REDD + mini-book in the Global Canopy Programme remove ( 36 proposals submitted by each government of each scope, references, distribution and financing. Non-government agencies each submit a proposal for REDD + this. Each has their own paradigm and pattern of their own calculations.
Indonesia according to a member of the National Council on Climate Change, Dody S Sukadry, on the sidelines of a meeting between Goverments Climate and Forest Taskforce Meeting in Banda Aceh, mid-May 2010, until today do not yet have an official standard or standard carbon counting. Each of their organizations and the government have a counting pattern.
Dody explained the mechanism of measuring (counting), reporting, and verification is still kept on talking about inter pihak. Mechanism because the calculation is the most important mechanism for measuring the amount of additional carbon that can be absorbed by the forest cover in certain kurn (in tonnes of CO2 equivalent); off because the amount of carbon reduction in forest cover, and measure the absorption ability of carbon that can be maintained within a certain period. To Ulu Masen area, Provincial Government of NAD and colleagues have had a count of carbon stock. Rough calculations of carbon stock in the area of Ulu Masen with a scenario in 2008-2038 about 2.3 million tons of CO2.
Yuriyun, coordinator of the Indigenous Peoples Network Density of Aceh, said the people who live on the outskirts of the forest did not understand or REDD REDD + or the other because the government did not provide socialization and comlate counting. Scheme REDD + carbon without socialization and establishing a clear boundary line of each their lands, according to him will only lead to a new horizontal conflict.
Anthony Brunello, Deputy Skeretaris field of Climate Change and Energy Agency of Natural Resources of California of the United States, says it wants to see the concepts and proposals which will besubmitted Provincial Government of NAD, representing the people of Aceh, about schemes to protect and maintain the surrounding environment, particularly forests.
Anthony said the society and the State government of California wants to build infrastructure, such as home and building environmentally friendly buildings and the reduction of greenhouse gases. "We, the Government of California, has no concept of what we wanted to offer to local people there. We want to see what's going on here and offer it to the people of California, "he said.
Julie Stell, members of the GCF Secretariat Taskforce, said the California State Government is still formulating the rules and harmonize with the rules at the country level. Including the rate of reduction of GHG emissions.
2010 KOMPAS 5 agutustus
Mengenai Saya
Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010
Gurgling sound clearer. Sound clashing water timber mill. Herman (33) paused. Meanwhile, on the right side of Herman's standing, the waterfall is less than 20 feet tall towered into the sky.
Waterwheel building is equipped with a dynamo aka Micro Hydro Power (PLMH) has become a society which will forward to the hamlet of Belo, Maha village, Sultan Daulat, City Subulusalam. Over the years the family lived in the area of oil palm plantations is missing the power. Help the National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM) Urban valued at 21.350 million rupiah and the venture funds of three million rupiah citizens make that wish come true. "Now people have a television and a refrigerator in his house," he said.
M. Rush, one of the residents Subulusalam, said the most important thing now is to strive to discharge the water that flows sufficient to drive the waterwheel and activate the dynamo. The problem, said Rush, around the forest in the village has turned into oil palm plantations.
"Most of the Leuser ecosystem area turned into oil palm plantations. If this happens continuously, generating electricity in the make sure it will not last long, "explained Rush. Irwandi Yusuf government since served in 2007, vigorous campaigning based development environment. Aceh's Green Vision become the basic concept of sustainable development. At that time, the policy or disabling logging moratorium legal logging into the main policy. Meanwhile, illegal logging, such as in admit Irwandi, maih progress. Although there are arrests, no actors or dealing in illegal logging barons court.
Realignment of Aceh's forests into the main theme of the policy. Resturukturisasi Aceh's forests into groups based group the worn out of the land condition, recording back the right to cultivate, both in the field of forestry, plantations, and mines, was in trying to do. In line with this effort, wildlife conflicts with humans as well as mine owners conflict with society is increasing. The government also did not intend to stop Ladiagalaska permanent road construction is done because it helps open isolir regions.
Simultaneously, the Governor of the world, Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Mato Groso, The (Brazil); California, Wisconsin, Illinois (United States); and Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, East Kalimantan and Papua (Indonesia), stated that they seek to apply REDD rules. In his letter to the head of each State, in October 2009, they claim, more than 50% of the world's tropical forests within the territory of their state or province. These forests to support millions of families and local communities living around the forest. This area represents 2.6 trillion U.S. dollars world economy.
The two areas proposed as a pilot REDD projects, namely the Ulu Masen area and Area Strategy Leuser Ecosystem. Staff of Conservation Division Leuser Ecosystem Area Management Board (BP KEL) Rudi. H. Son said the process was trying to get there. One of the vigorous efforts made KEL BP is converting back palm forest and entered the territory illegally KEL. Based on the record BP KEL, tens of thousands of hectares of this area is devolved functions, both oil palm plantations and settlements of approximately 2 million hectares of total area, including the village of Herman.
2010 Kompas 5 agsts
Waterwheel building is equipped with a dynamo aka Micro Hydro Power (PLMH) has become a society which will forward to the hamlet of Belo, Maha village, Sultan Daulat, City Subulusalam. Over the years the family lived in the area of oil palm plantations is missing the power. Help the National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM) Urban valued at 21.350 million rupiah and the venture funds of three million rupiah citizens make that wish come true. "Now people have a television and a refrigerator in his house," he said.
M. Rush, one of the residents Subulusalam, said the most important thing now is to strive to discharge the water that flows sufficient to drive the waterwheel and activate the dynamo. The problem, said Rush, around the forest in the village has turned into oil palm plantations.
"Most of the Leuser ecosystem area turned into oil palm plantations. If this happens continuously, generating electricity in the make sure it will not last long, "explained Rush. Irwandi Yusuf government since served in 2007, vigorous campaigning based development environment. Aceh's Green Vision become the basic concept of sustainable development. At that time, the policy or disabling logging moratorium legal logging into the main policy. Meanwhile, illegal logging, such as in admit Irwandi, maih progress. Although there are arrests, no actors or dealing in illegal logging barons court.
Realignment of Aceh's forests into the main theme of the policy. Resturukturisasi Aceh's forests into groups based group the worn out of the land condition, recording back the right to cultivate, both in the field of forestry, plantations, and mines, was in trying to do. In line with this effort, wildlife conflicts with humans as well as mine owners conflict with society is increasing. The government also did not intend to stop Ladiagalaska permanent road construction is done because it helps open isolir regions.
Simultaneously, the Governor of the world, Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Mato Groso, The (Brazil); California, Wisconsin, Illinois (United States); and Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, East Kalimantan and Papua (Indonesia), stated that they seek to apply REDD rules. In his letter to the head of each State, in October 2009, they claim, more than 50% of the world's tropical forests within the territory of their state or province. These forests to support millions of families and local communities living around the forest. This area represents 2.6 trillion U.S. dollars world economy.
The two areas proposed as a pilot REDD projects, namely the Ulu Masen area and Area Strategy Leuser Ecosystem. Staff of Conservation Division Leuser Ecosystem Area Management Board (BP KEL) Rudi. H. Son said the process was trying to get there. One of the vigorous efforts made KEL BP is converting back palm forest and entered the territory illegally KEL. Based on the record BP KEL, tens of thousands of hectares of this area is devolved functions, both oil palm plantations and settlements of approximately 2 million hectares of total area, including the village of Herman.
2010 Kompas 5 agsts
LEUSER MOUNT (3381 masl)
Leuseur Mountain National Park (TNGL) is one of the reserved forest in the park to be set as the guard and the national existence.This National park preserve is located in the Province of NAD Darussalam (Aceh district southeast, south Aceh, Aceh middle, east Aceh and Aceh Singkil) and propnsi northern Sumatra (Langkat and karo) with an area of 80,000 hectares. Aceh area occupied three-quarters of the park. Specifically Leuser mountain area consisting of game reserve (BC) Kluit 20 000 hectares, Leuser mountain 416. 500 hectares of BC, BC Kappi Langkat 142 800 hectares south of 82 985 hectares of BC, BC Sikundur 60 000 hectares, Recreation Park 9200 hectares Lawe Gura, Sikundur tourism park 18 500 hectares, and protection forest and limited production forest area of 292 707 hectares. In the next development in forested areas is a priority conservation and protection to about 1.79 million hectares, which was known by the Leuser ecosystem area (forestry ministerial decree no.227/kpts-II/1995) located at 3-4 and 97-98 LU ` + BT, which covers 100 km along the Bukit Barisan mountain range and stretches denan 0-3455 altitude above sea level. Thus the Leuser National Park is the largest national parks across Indonesia.
This park was built in order to preserve and restore natural resources and the ecosytem. TNGL is one of the continent's diverse and have potential in NAD Darussalam. He is known as the lungs of the world because it is a tropical rain forest (tropical rain forest) contains a micro climate that serves as a useful stabilizing the climate is very large for human life. Leuser ecosystem area has a representative form of forest ecosystem types of volcanic mountains and rocks, limestone, plutons, alluvium, and other rocks, and lowland, wet and humid with the state land that is dominated by podzolic, podzolic brown, and lithosol. Besides the Leuser Ecosystem has a complete distribution of forest vegetation, forest vegetation noble from the beach / marsh, lowland forest, upland forest and mountains. Even in 3500 there were estimated flora, among others: the mangrove forest fires (Avicenna sp), Casuarina trees (casuarinas sp), camphor (Drybaloncops aromatics), Palm, rattan (Calamus) pandan (pandanus sp), some of the flora that grows above the altitude of 500 masl like Dipterocarcease type (eg: meranti, kruing, Shorea), and the lime tree (Dryobalanops aromatics). There are also a variety of fauna: 380 species of birds and 190 mammals / primates. This means that 1 / 32 of all species in the world or ¼ mammal in Indonesia located in the Leuser area. Still there are also several species of Carnivores, Herbivore, Reptiles, Amphibious, Piasces, and Iverteberata like Orang Utan (Pongo pygmus abelli), Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), Sumatran Tiger (Phantera Tigris sumatrensis), tiger Dahan (Neo felis nebulosa), Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatrensis), Malayan bear (Hlerctosmalayanus), Crocodile (Crocodilus porosus), wild dog (Cuon alpinus), Wild Pigs (Arctonyx Collaris), giant horned deer(tragulus Napu), Deer (Muntiacus muntjak), colored deer (Cervus unicolor), gray-tailed Macaques (Tracypithecus cristatus). There is also around 87 species classified as rare, so protected, such as sraendung (Hylobates dollars), Rungka (Presbytis Thomasi), Linsang (Priondon Linsong), Tiger root (termincki felis), Rhinoceros Hornbill (Rhyteceros sp), Birds of a horse (Garullaxrufifrons) , golden cat (catupuma termincki), Leopard (Prionailurus bengalensis). There are even some fauna in this TNGL potentially be made in the Plasma Nuthfa like a wild duck (cairina sp), Sumatran Goat (Capricornus sumatrensis), the otter (Lutra sp), red-tailed flying squirrel (petaurista), and a honey bear (helaroctus malayanus ).
Climatic conditions in this region in the review of Schmidt and climate maps freguson including climate tempratur type A with a minimum of 21.1 to 27.5 ', the average rainfall 1300-4600 mm per year during the dry season rainfall is less than 100 mm per month 80-100% with relative humidity. On review from the aspect of hydrology, rivers that empty lot on the west coast of Sumatran: Alas river Kluet, Trupa, Seunangan, and Meurebo. While the estuary on the east coast is a river Wampu, Tamiang and Jambo Aye. All these rivers disgorge all over the ridge area of the Leuser National Park.
Leuser ecosystem area is also in the agricultural area which covers the circumference of the sixty districts with a population of approximately two million people with various ethnic groups such as Aceh, Gayo, Alas, Tamiang, Jame, Karo, Melayu Batak, and Javanese. So there will be a close ecological dependence between the Leuser Ecosystem area with the surrounding ecosystem. In addition to rich flora and fauna, Leuser Mountain National Park is also rich in beautiful natural panorama, so the object can be made in ecotourism activities such as outdoor adventure (jungle tracking), Rafting, the search caves, observation of flora and fauna (observation, Bird watching) or just recreation.
Leuser mountain is terminological meaning "Place of living things that ended his life." The name is horrible enough in taking language dar Netherlands. This mountain has long been a dream of mountaineers. Variation field and the length of the track requires a climber has abilities and skills that are more than enough to be able to stampede of feet in height.
Senin, 22 Maret 2010
Rajamandala-point between the time the meeting with the Citarum Cihea in Cianjur regency, West Java 17 April 1975 dawn is already filled by thousands of people. Dozens of raft derived from the trucks that had arrived from Jakarta and Bandung. Then the rally participants Citarum 1 mingled with the audience. There was no sign of anything going on during the preparation. Everything went smoothly. But a few hours later, the tragedy happened. Five participants died in the violence of the current suit Citarum river. Big commotion erupted. Bandung Perrs most shocking news was blowing, though the information is still vague.
Three journalists from the capital ( Kompas, Suara Karya, Merdeka, and a cameraman from TVRI Hendro Subroto) feel devastated. Not because of preliminaries in the news, but because of coverage following the rally that stalled was frozen, because that night turned into a hot Bandung.
A number of ITB students staged that night looking for members of the association of nature lovers Wanadri. Rally organizers had to hurl anger death due to a crisscrossing the news. Bandung newspaper headlines the next day rather than defuse the atmosphere, but instead exacerbate mood
First Victim
Before the rally, the rainy season in the year 1975 it has not abated. Citarum river when it flowed freely as the water flow passing, the field is quite ideal to hold a boat race, a challenge to the spirit of adventure lovers of nature. Can be expected to reply overwhelmed Wanadri committee holds great desire of the youth from Bandung and Jakarta to participate as a few days earlier that killed a rolled flow the trainining and selection. Both the first ITB students majoring Sharif hidayat from the engine, he was killed multiplied Cikapundung Bandung in practice session. Second Widiatmoko dari electronics majors. He died at around Rajamandala, both thrown from their raft before swallowing flow. However, still no deterrent, it noted participants ITB most 14 teams. Then the University of Padjadjaran (UNPAD) Bandung 13 teams, the Marine Corps and the 4th Battalion, 2nd Battalion, each team 4 and 2, followed by DKI JAYA 2 team and AIRUD police squads and ARMY each team 1.
They are who pass the selection to use a rubber boat with 75 crew members each 6 people. Also passed in the selection criteria for the ability to swim, boat control, team cohesiveness and the ability to overcome adversity. So, has fulfilled the conditions needed to ensure safety.
Depths of Satan
But then calamity that took five lives could not help it happen, too.Though two hours earlier, where the start, after the poem was read about the adventures of young people's desire for natural bow, Admiral Sudomo as chairman of the Indonesian Waters Sports with bright removing participants with strike his ax to a boat mooring ropes
The route to be in the participant go on rubber boats "Mark 10" is Rajamandala-Jatiluhur in so far as 75 km. Distance was in for three-phase to three days. But not yet been traveled route 20 km first stage Rajamandala-bayabang, heartbreaking tragedy occurred. their boat overturned in general in the place called Leuwi jurig (depths of Satan), only 500 m away from the start in Rajamandala. Deep vortex is so heavy and the river full of large stones invisible because the river water flow going up. On the plus-curve also with a sharp bend in the river, no doubt a big stones did not seem a threat that could not be avoided for participants careless. His clever as clever as people swimming, if it has been thrown into the middle of the vortex flow depths of Satan, do not expect to survive without help.
Unfortunately, among the participants themselves much tied his body to the boat without using a snap ring (key-binding that is easy on the open). As a result, when the boat overturned they can not break away from the boat, even things like a giant pot of people covered. This experienced victim of CSB (studiosorumBandungense corpus), which overturned the boat and managed to pull over and caught in tree roots. The locals have a hunch, the boat was inside. Hunch proved right, after in reverse, found the body inside Syailendra Malik, UNPAD law students, who already stiff. He entwined his own boat rope. Evidently when the accident occurred, did not have time to open Syailendra rope wrapped around her body
Another victim was Tatang Gurnita, students majoring in Bandung ATN machine, then Naziwir Pasaribu from ITB industrial engineering majors, Didit Satriyadi from law school and Adang UNPAD Sofyan from Midshipman Coordinating Body Works Bandung.
Tragically, two helicopter types alloete of the SAR team was also provided the committee can not do much in the depths of Satan.Two helicopters had to fly low to examine the field when the catastrophe preach. But the accident site field gap Gap and the river lot Citarumpun its many corners, so the helicopter could not hovering (flying in place) . Doing it as a suicide because the suction rotor will form a vacuum bag. This could cause the river crashing aircraft crashed (stall). However, after Kopassandha unity under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel. (Inf) Sentot (now dead) conducted field research among rural warung jeruk and Jatiluhur, the race continues, but the route between Warung Jeruk- Bayangbang are canceled to avoid increasing the victim.
Thus, only the route-Jatiluhur WarungJeruk, the route last stage, that is used as a route race. As a symbol that the race was underway, on the last stage that all the boats towed by a motor boat to the reservoir Jatiluhur. Appear On Sand Island, the participants to anchor their boats. The next day they rowed to the finish. Admiral Sudomo, Maj. Gen. Sutanto Himawan (then Regional Commander Siliwangi VI) and Ana GP (then Governor of West Java) waiting for them there.
Third regional rowing team is set as the winner. DKI Jaya I and II received the most sportsmanlike team predicate because services to help victims come so late to finish. Was the title of the most resilient team in team won SPB (Youth union banc), or fine art student association ITB. Year 1975 is truly the blackest in the history of sports life in Indonesia. Years of the program is a bitter year for the club Wanadri nature lovers, who previously had a fragrance.
Source: Tabloid Bola 27 April 1984

Sumatran rhino males who impregnate the queen is Andalas, also 9 years old, weighs about 765 pounds. Andalas was born in 2001 in Cincinnati Zoo, the United States, from the marriage of male Sumatran rhino, Ipuh, Emi and the rhino female. In February 2007, Andalas is sent to Indonesia from the Los Angeles Zoo, United States, and placed in the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary, Way Kambas National Park, Lampung.
Andalas was the first child of 3 siblings and children of the first rhino rhinos in captivity throughout the more than 112 years. According to him, conceived him the first Sumatran rhino has been through a long process and not a regular occurrence. Darori describes, from 38 marriages, the fetus has not happened. When there are fetuses, miscarriages 4. December 22, 2009 carried out an ultrasound examination (USG) at the Queen, can not find the signs of pregnancy. Andriansyah the vet who handles the Queen said, 29 January 2010, when a bag of ultrasound visible embryo in the uterus right of the Queen. On February 16, 2010 ultrasound images found bags of embryos is about 20 mm x 24 mm with a fetus and the developing umbilical cord, Queen of the gravid state, "he said.
Chairman of Yayasan Badak Indonesia Widodo Ramono said, this success will also open the possibility of creating a model program similar to the Javan, the population is estimated at about 50 fish in Ujung Kulon National Park.
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