Increasing the temperature of the Earth in the last decade has been very aesthetically impact. In Indonesia, El Nino can affect food production, water supplies for power generation, households and livestock, as well as the availability of water for industrial and household purposes. Experience 1997/1998 El Nino air temperature record of Earth's hottest, aggravate forest fires and damage coral reefs.
Forecast Meteorological Office, UK temperature by 2010 will probably exceed the record year 1998. Year 1998 to be warmest year on record after three decades of warming the Earth, in the beginning of the year 1970, for three decades, the average global temperature rose 0.45 degrees Celsius (kompass, 29 / 1).
NASA recorded a trend increase in temperature of 0.2 degrees Celsius in the last 30 years per decade. Average global temperatures have gone up 0.8 degrees Celsius since 1980. Policy makers who attended the Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen, last December, agreeing on a single target to prevent the increase of average global temperature to two degrees Celsius in an effort to avoid global warming effects of the worst (compass, 24 / 2).
The farmers in Aceh today to complain because they are no longer able to estimate the growing season. Rain, floods, drought can no longer in the prediction, climatological stations and Geophysics even acknowledges the existence of climate confusionss determination that culminate in the planting season. The cause of Global Warming.
Indonesia and Brazil and the United States is considered one of the countries producing greenhouse gases (GHG), the largest. Nonetheless, Indonesia has said it will reduce the brave 26% of the state if it does not do anything (bussiness as usual) in 2020. Even dare to reduce GHG emissions by 41% if there is assistance from developed countries.
Compare with the United States who just want to reduce emissions in the gas glasshouse rotatin 4%. State Government superpower that until now had never planned to sign the Kyoto Protocol, which is considered hinder developing giant industries, a large contributor to GHG emissions.
Aceh aggressively pursue jargon of REDD + Governor Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) Irwandi Yusuf together several countries in the world, Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Mato Groso, Pre (Brazil), California, Illinois, (United States), as well as NAD, East Kalimantan, and Papua (Indonesia) stated that they seek to apply the rules of debate. For Aceh, at least two regions are in trying to do, namely the Leuser Ecosystem area (1.9 million hectares) and Ulu Masen Strategic area (750 000 hectares).
Irwandi said it was cooperating with Merril Lynch, a financial services company based in Australia, to address this carbon. In the agreement the two parties, at a price agreed today is 4 cents U.S. $ per ton of carbon. However, if market prices increase from the agreement, the difference will be in for two between the government and financial services company.
Head of the Secretariat of Aceh Green M. Jacob Ishadamy says still in need a few more stages before it can be determined how the amount of existing carbon stocks in forests of Aceh, especially for Ulu Masen, the government will, using multiple methods in use.
Strategic Regions Ulu Masen which managed by the Flora and Fauna International has obtained an audit of The Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance in February 2008. Jacob admit, Ulu Masen area just awarded the Silver because it is still a problem with illegal logging.
Carbon Calculation
REDD + mini-book in the Global Canopy Programme remove ( 36 proposals submitted by each government of each scope, references, distribution and financing. Non-government agencies each submit a proposal for REDD + this. Each has their own paradigm and pattern of their own calculations.
Indonesia according to a member of the National Council on Climate Change, Dody S Sukadry, on the sidelines of a meeting between Goverments Climate and Forest Taskforce Meeting in Banda Aceh, mid-May 2010, until today do not yet have an official standard or standard carbon counting. Each of their organizations and the government have a counting pattern.
Dody explained the mechanism of measuring (counting), reporting, and verification is still kept on talking about inter pihak. Mechanism because the calculation is the most important mechanism for measuring the amount of additional carbon that can be absorbed by the forest cover in certain kurn (in tonnes of CO2 equivalent); off because the amount of carbon reduction in forest cover, and measure the absorption ability of carbon that can be maintained within a certain period. To Ulu Masen area, Provincial Government of NAD and colleagues have had a count of carbon stock. Rough calculations of carbon stock in the area of Ulu Masen with a scenario in 2008-2038 about 2.3 million tons of CO2.
Yuriyun, coordinator of the Indigenous Peoples Network Density of Aceh, said the people who live on the outskirts of the forest did not understand or REDD REDD + or the other because the government did not provide socialization and comlate counting. Scheme REDD + carbon without socialization and establishing a clear boundary line of each their lands, according to him will only lead to a new horizontal conflict.
Anthony Brunello, Deputy Skeretaris field of Climate Change and Energy Agency of Natural Resources of California of the United States, says it wants to see the concepts and proposals which will besubmitted Provincial Government of NAD, representing the people of Aceh, about schemes to protect and maintain the surrounding environment, particularly forests.
Anthony said the society and the State government of California wants to build infrastructure, such as home and building environmentally friendly buildings and the reduction of greenhouse gases. "We, the Government of California, has no concept of what we wanted to offer to local people there. We want to see what's going on here and offer it to the people of California, "he said.
Julie Stell, members of the GCF Secretariat Taskforce, said the California State Government is still formulating the rules and harmonize with the rules at the country level. Including the rate of reduction of GHG emissions.
2010 KOMPAS 5 agutustus
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