Gurgling sound clearer. Sound clashing water timber mill. Herman (33) paused. Meanwhile, on the right side of Herman's standing, the waterfall is less than 20 feet tall towered into the sky.
Waterwheel building is equipped with a dynamo aka Micro Hydro Power (PLMH) has become a society which will forward to the hamlet of Belo, Maha village, Sultan Daulat, City Subulusalam. Over the years the family lived in the area of oil palm plantations is missing the power. Help the National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM) Urban valued at 21.350 million rupiah and the venture funds of three million rupiah citizens make that wish come true. "Now people have a television and a refrigerator in his house," he said.
M. Rush, one of the residents Subulusalam, said the most important thing now is to strive to discharge the water that flows sufficient to drive the waterwheel and activate the dynamo. The problem, said Rush, around the forest in the village has turned into oil palm plantations.
"Most of the Leuser ecosystem area turned into oil palm plantations. If this happens continuously, generating electricity in the make sure it will not last long, "explained Rush. Irwandi Yusuf government since served in 2007, vigorous campaigning based development environment. Aceh's Green Vision become the basic concept of sustainable development. At that time, the policy or disabling logging moratorium legal logging into the main policy. Meanwhile, illegal logging, such as in admit Irwandi, maih progress. Although there are arrests, no actors or dealing in illegal logging barons court.
Realignment of Aceh's forests into the main theme of the policy. Resturukturisasi Aceh's forests into groups based group the worn out of the land condition, recording back the right to cultivate, both in the field of forestry, plantations, and mines, was in trying to do. In line with this effort, wildlife conflicts with humans as well as mine owners conflict with society is increasing. The government also did not intend to stop Ladiagalaska permanent road construction is done because it helps open isolir regions.
Simultaneously, the Governor of the world, Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Mato Groso, The (Brazil); California, Wisconsin, Illinois (United States); and Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, East Kalimantan and Papua (Indonesia), stated that they seek to apply REDD rules. In his letter to the head of each State, in October 2009, they claim, more than 50% of the world's tropical forests within the territory of their state or province. These forests to support millions of families and local communities living around the forest. This area represents 2.6 trillion U.S. dollars world economy.
The two areas proposed as a pilot REDD projects, namely the Ulu Masen area and Area Strategy Leuser Ecosystem. Staff of Conservation Division Leuser Ecosystem Area Management Board (BP KEL) Rudi. H. Son said the process was trying to get there. One of the vigorous efforts made KEL BP is converting back palm forest and entered the territory illegally KEL. Based on the record BP KEL, tens of thousands of hectares of this area is devolved functions, both oil palm plantations and settlements of approximately 2 million hectares of total area, including the village of Herman.
2010 Kompas 5 agsts
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